Creating a chemical shape, approach 2

This modeling tutorial shows how to prepare Adobe Illustrator artwork for geometry creation in Design 3D. It shows how to prepare the artwork in order to create a subdivision surface object and walks through the process of properly generating a polygon structure from this Illustrator artwork that properly subdivides.
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UV Unwrapping a bottle cap

This UV mapping tutorial UV unwraps a bottle cap type of object so a label can be applied and wrap around the sides. It specifically shows how to approach the UV mapping problem in this case by starting from projected UVs. It also shows how to set up good geometry starting with a lathe object which is easy to UV map.
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Creating better glass using reflection recursions and Surface Shading Threshold

This rendering and material tutorial shows how to get more detailed glass by working with two render parameters: Reflection Bounces and Surface Shading Threshold. It discusses the concept of incidence 0 and incidence 90 and how that relates to this threshold function, in turn affecting glass type materials.
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Preparing models for STL output

This tutorial shows how to prepare 3D geometry for STL output, specifically when the artwork starts as bezier data from an application like Adobe Illustrator, and contains counter spaces. It shows how to avoid problematic geometry configurations and discusses how to ensure your geometry is closed using the Select Non-Manifold function.
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Modeling a piece of paper with downturned corner

This modeling tutorial shows how to use guides to ‘bend’ the corner of a piece of 'paper' or page type of object. It also covers the use of subsets and some basic UV mapping as it relates to the use of the Thickness function. It also shows how to use the Select Perimeter function to help set hard edges for subdivision surface control.
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