8.0: Working with Floating Point Color, 1

This tutorial discusses the nature of floating-point color. It looks at Photoshop’s floating-point color picker as a window into understanding the nature of high precision color. It also shows how to create high bit depth color files that can be used in Design3D 8.0.
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Creating better glass using reflection recursions and Surface Shading Threshold

This rendering and material tutorial shows how to get more detailed glass by working with two render parameters: Reflection Bounces and Surface Shading Threshold. It discusses the concept of incidence 0 and incidence 90 and how that relates to this threshold function, in turn affecting glass type materials.
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Sports Supplement Container, Part 1

This texturing tutorial shows how to configure and control several surface variables (smoothness and reflectivity) that change according to incidence angle. It specifically discusses these with respect to a dark and rough reflective plastic.
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