Model a simple triangular object with a hole, for beginners: Method 1 (CX)

This somewhat extensive modeling tutorial for beginners walks through the process of creating a simple triangle object with a circular hole through it. Even though the end result is a simple object, the tutorial covers many fundamental concepts such as active grids, constraint use (active grids, guides), basic polygon modeling, the use of normals and the difference between object and element editing.
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Sports Supplement Container, Part 1

This texturing tutorial shows how to configure and control several surface variables (smoothness and reflectivity) that change according to incidence angle. It specifically discusses these with respect to a dark and rough reflective plastic.
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BEER BOTTLE: Part 3, Label color elements

This texturing tutorial walks through the process of creating the upper color layer of the beer label. It focuses on understanding the thought process behind the various settings involved in creating its look. This includes the use of the fresnel interpolator, the index of refraction value and the smoothness value. It also shows how to set up the Diffuse Color and stencil bitmap.
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BEER BOTTLE: Part 1, Label modeling and UV mapping

This UV mapping tutorial creates geometry that will be used as the label on the neck of a beer bottle. It uses boolean operations and also goes through the UV mapping process for the label using the new UV tools in 7.5.
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