Precisely position and manipulate an object using the Snap Tool, Grids and a clever use of the Project Window

This modeling tutorial shows how to repurpose one piece of geometry for use in another part of the scene. It demonstrates how to use custom grids and the snap tool for accurate placement and position control. It also shows how to directly edit shape data in the scene for in-context shape/instance editing.
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Randomizing things in Strata 3D: The y-axis Position

Uniformity is not always good in 3D. Many times the mathematical precision of replicating objects detracts from the natural look and lends a plastic, artificial look. One of the unknown gems in Strata 3D is the possibility to add scripting. In this tutorial we'll add a very simple script that randomizes the offset of an object in the y-axis by a random number between two values.
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Setting up an architectural interior for rendering

This tutorial discusses many aspects of setting up an interior architectural scene for rendering. This includes: adjusting materials to use fresnel reflections (including proper energy balance); using multiple raydiosity bounces; adjusting raydiosity amplifier; raydiosity samples and cache settings; adjusting render Detail settings (Pixel Detail Block Size, etc.); Adaptive Shadow Sampling; custom surface controls; and more. NOTE: This is a bit of a longer tutorial so have patience :-)
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