Air Freshener Display, Part 2: Packet UV Mapping and Texture Application

This is the second tutorial in the air freshener packaging tutorial series. It deals with the UV mapping of the packet object, specifically looking at the mirror UVs and how to correct their inverted nature (they were generated from duplicate geometry that had been mirrored across a grid). It also sets up a UV template, correctly sets the physical size of the template, and then sets the Adobe Illustrator art over it. Finally, this art is imported into Design 3D and applied to the packet art.
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Air Freshener Display, Part 1: Packet Modeling

This tutorial models a generic packaging object with a hanging hook inset. It is deformed slightly to give the sense of something contained inside. It uses basic polygon modeling, subdivision surfaces, deformation lattices and some basic UV mapping.
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Boolean objects and STL format (3D printing)

This tutorial deals with preparing geometry for STL output format used for 3D printing. It specifically looks at using the booleon Union tool to weld together some 3D type into a block shape, and issues that may come up. The use of the Select Non-Manifold function is discussed along with objects with counter-spaces.
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