Wristband type object, UV mapping method 2

This tutorial follows up on the wristband tutorial (here). It shows a second UV mapping solution that allows for a separate texture to map to the inside of the band, and another map to be placed on the outside. It also shows to how to rework the UVs from the first tutorial as a way of demonstrating how to work with existing UVs.
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Model a vase, for beginners

This modeling tutorial for beginners further demonstrates how to use polygon modeling to generate a subdivision surface object resembling a vase type object. It helps to give a sense for how Design 3D approaches the manipulation of polygons, in addition to showing how active grids help to control the modeling process.
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Model, UV map and apply a bitmap label to a wristband type object

This modeling, UV mapping, and texturing tutorial shows how to model a simple wristband type object using polygon modeling and subdivision surfaces. It then walks through the process of UV mapping it so a texture can be applied in a controlled and precise manner.
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Model a bowl, for beginners

This tutorial is for people new to Design 3D and 3D in general, who want to get a glimpse into what the subdivision surface technology is. It walks through some basic polygon modeling operations in order to set up a polygon mesh that can be subdivided.
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