Creating a trimmed sphere in Cobalt

This Cobalt modeling tutorial shows how to achieve a trimmed sphere, but with 3 different methods. One starts with a surface and uses surface modeling tools, and then we model the same object but using the solid tool. This helps to demonstrate how to understand tools that are different but act in similar ways depending on the nature of the object (surface vs solid).
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Modeling a 12-volt car plug adapter

This tutorial shows how to model the body of a 12-volt car plug adapter. It uses Adobe Illustrator drawn bezier curves to create a Skin-type bezier object, which is then converted to a polygon mesh. This is then used to drive a subdivision surface object. It also shows several methods for generating intermediate curvature using bezier surfaces or subdivision surfaces.
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Bezier Conversion Example 4

In this tutorial we take a look at the geometry conversion pathway, taking UV mapping into account. The need to work with an object’s UV data is a deciding factor for why you may need to change a bezier-based object into a polygon one.
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