Anti-Aliasing, a primer

This tutorial discusses anti-aliasing / oversampling. It specifically looks at what it is using a simple demonstration in Photoshop. The Details tab has several parameters that control anti-aliasing, the Oversampling rate, the Block/Volume Subdivision Limit and the Pixel Detail Block Size. This first tutorial generally explains what the Oversampling rate is, but also discusses the other two parameters in general terms. This is in preparation for several tutorials that discuss changes in this area in the Design 3D 8.1 update.
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Dreidel toy: Texturing, part 2

This tutorial finishes the texturing of the dreidel spin toy. It specifically applies the coloration and design elements. The process of using only selected materials is described, in addition to the use of material transfer modes. Several texturing techniques for creating a roughened up texture map is explored in Photoshop.
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UV mapping a seat cushion, Part 2

This is the second part of the seat cushion UV mapping tutorial. This specifically walks through the process of unwrapping the cushion object, first starting with the original, basic subdivision surface object. It then shows two further unwrapping approaches uses a pre-subdivided base mesh to help demonstrate how to avoid or to minimize certain UV artifacts that can show up.
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UV mapping a seat cushion, Part 1

This tutorial looks at UV mapping a sofa seat cushion object. Part 1 specifically looks at a simplified object in order to demonstrate UV unwrapping a simple or a more complex, but comparable, shape and why one might be more beneficial than the other.
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Dreidel toy: Texturing, part 1

This tutorial walks through the process of setting up the base wood texture for the toy. It shows how to create a rough, somewhat glossy appearance using the fresnel interpolator, the Smoothness and Index of Refractions channels to control the appearance.
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