Reworking the shape of a ribbon object using a Bones/IK chain

This modeling tutorial discusses several topics, including the optimization of a mesh for greater subdivision efficiency; and several considerations when using an IK chain on just a specific sub-section of a polygon mesh. It shows how to use the Bones Tool Auto Skin function in conjunction with the Vertex Weight.
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Creating a holiday ornament ribbon

This modeling and UV mapping tutorial shows how to create a ribbon object used for holiday ornaments. It covers modeling, starting with a simple bezier path and the extrude tool, and then progressing through the use of a bones object to control deformation. It also discusses how to retain and use UV's generated from the bezier extrude tool.
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Preparing geometry for a material with anisotropy and a coating

This modeling tutorial shows how to prepare a lathed object for conversion to polygon mesh. It focuses on optimizing the mesh for even polygon distribution and also reducing redundant geometry. Finally it looks at the UV data generated by lathe.
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