UV mapping a tooth brush container case

This UV mapping tutorial shows how to UV map a tooth brush clear plastic case in order to apply the label on the outside only. It uses shows how to use polygon subsets to prepare the geometry for UV manipulation and uwrapping based on planar projected UVs.
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3 methods to control texture placement on double sided geometry.

This texturing and UV mapping tutorial shows how to control where a texture is placed when there are multiple areas of thickness (e.g., a glass bottle). It explores the use of Decal mapping, Planar Mapping, and UV manipulation.
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Tips on using the Boolean tools, Select Non-Manifold

This follows the tutorial explaining how to use the bezier path extrude tool to create polygon geometry and blend between polygon elements (here). It extends this material by showing a more complex situation in an architectural setting.
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Modeling a stair banister, combining path extrusion with polygon elements

This follows the tutorial explaining how to use the bezier path extrude tool to create polygon geometry and blend between polygon elements (here). It extends this material by showing a more complex situation in an architectural setting.
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