Jan Kaliciak, 3D Illustrator

Jan Kaliciak resides and works in York, England. Jan has a multidisciplinary approach to design and visual exploration, with a professional profile in both arts and design, and various job roles in TV graphics, games programming, the printing industry, and in-house design. He divides his time between creative image-making, being a graphics specialist lecturer in higher education, and consultancy work in the applications of computers to the graphics industry.

James Rothschild, Markers to Magic

James Rothschild is a UK-based Imagineer with a focus on Industrial Design and Architecture. During his 25 years of design experience James has worked with such high profile clients as Boots, HSE, Lloyds TSB, British Gas, GE Capitol, Games Workshop, AXA, and more.

Jacques Janoyer, Tropical Architecture

Jacques Janoyer is based in Tahiti, focusing on architectural renderings for for local agencies such as Pascal Beaudet, Benoit Rochet, and Amaramarama.

Jack Moore, 3D Illustrator

Jack Moore is a New Jersey based Illustrator/Designer with a focus on advertising and packaging illustration. During his 25 years experience, Jack has worked for clients such as: Heineken USA, Warner Lambert, M&M Mars and Pfizer. Most recently he is concentrating on creating digital fine artwork combining 3D and 2D digital techniques.

Quick Lead Pencil

MORE TUTORIALS BYCHRIS TYLER: Fundamentals | Modeling Texturing | Rendering UV Mapping | Miscellaneous 7.5 Specific This is an advanced polygon modeling tutorial. It shows how to create a wooden seat for a chair using polygons modeling techniques for an end result subdivision surface model. It starts by using Adobe Illustrator bezier paths.

Duncan Macgruer, 3D Illustrator

Duncan Macgruer is an Atlanta-based illustrator with a focus on technical illustration and spatial design, including corporate, retail and exhibition environments. During his 25 years of design experience, Duncan has worked with such high profile clients as Coca Cola, the US Army, Colgate and Universal Studios.