Registered: 1 year, 10 months ago
How do you keep Mandevilla warm during winter? Mandevilla You can save money in the future by bringing a delicate Mandevilla plant inside this rather than just letting it die. Here's how you can stay warm during winter for Mandevilla: Around three weeks prior to when temperatures that reach 40 degrees at night are expected feeding Mandevilla the highest-phosphorous liquid fertilizer like 10-56-14 with a half-strength. (The middle number indicates the phosphorous that promotes the growth of the healthy root.) As temperatures begin to fall to 50 degrees F in the evening, but remain at or above 60 degrees during the day, reduce the amount of watering. When temperatures regularly drop to lower than 50° F at night, before it gets cold cut the Mandevilla vine back to 12 inches over the soil border. Mandevilla leaves are thoroughly cleaned with mild dish soap. Rinse with water to eliminate any insects. Spray with insecticide soap. Transfer it to an airy garage, basement or crawl space that keeps the temperature in winter over freezing -- between 50-60 degrees F is the ideal temperature. Since it is likely to go dormant, additional light isn't needed. It is recommended to water only lightly every 5-6 weeks so that the soil remains dry, however, don't fertilize. In early spring, the plant will begin to develop new shoots. If you keep it inside and then move it to an open window with sun and pull the tips of the growing plants to form a bushier plant. Make sure that all chances of frost have passed and temperatures at night stay over fifty degrees F before you can move it outside.
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